OK, so now that my first blog post is out of the way I thought long and hard as to what to talk about next. Several things crossed my mind including presenting some of the many intricacies that make Mexican culture so diverse and unique. Then I remembered that I wasn't writing a term paper here and I kept thinking. Then I remembered something that I witnessed a while back when I was at Walmart.
Before I go on I need to talk about one of my favorite comedians: George Lopez. (Oh, I mean BEFORE he did his talk show!) One of the reasons I find him so hilarious is that many of the things he talks about in his stand-up are so true. Of the topics he covers one that really hits closer to home is when he talks about how Mexicans discipline their kids, specifically when we're out and about. In case you haven't seen it or want to watch it again here it is. (Warning: There's some strong language in it.)
OK, so back to what I witnessed at Walmart. I saw this lady with her two kids. (For the record, she was white.) One of her kids wanted some small toy and when she told her "No" the child went berserk. There was screaming, crying, foot pounding, you name it. What did the woman do? She tried reasoning with the child. "Now sweetie, you can't act that way. You need to calm down." I was really tempted to go up to her and say, "Lady, that child needs some chingazos."
So, back to the video: does this actually happen? ABSOLUTELY! Just ask my kids. They know that if they're acting up and I say, "Let's go to the bathroom," it means they're going to get it. I don't put up with temper tantrums when we're out in public. By now they're old enough that I don't even have to ask if we need to make a trip to the bathroom, a look from me will usually do the trick. I get compliments from people on how well behaved my boys are all the time. Boy, if they only knew what went on in many a Walmart bathroom!
Now to some, this might seem barbaric, extreme, even too far. But to us Mexicans it's the norm. Yes, I got my ass beat in a few dressing rooms and bathrooms, but I love and respect my parents and I learned to respect and obey them. In the end, we all turned out OK, didn't we? By the way, when WAS the last time you saw a Mexican mom get caught hitting her kids by the security camera? BLEEP-ing amateurs!
I had this long comment I was typing out and it kicked me out!